Hebron, does it ring any bells!! I guess not because mainstream media does not usually mention the story of
Hebron. It's a policy of stay mum and let the world burn, I have been following the situation in
Hebron for the past year and what I see and read makes me to write this story.
Hebron is a city in the centre of occupied West Bank. It is famous as the final resting place of Prophet Abraham(
PBUH), at the
Ibrahimi Mosque or
Sanctuary of Abraham or the The
Cave of the Patriarchs as it is known in Islam, Judaism and Christianity
. Israel Occupied the West Bank town in the six day war of 1967 and a constant and relentless settlement campaign continued. It is the only city in the Occupied West Bank
where Jewish Settlers and Palestinian Residents live in close proximity to each other creating a very tense and
violent environment.
There are an estimated 170,000 Palestinian Residents and 700-800 Illegal Jewish Settlers living in
Hebron. The
IDF or the Israeli Defence Forces maintains a huge military presence in
Hebron to provide security to the settlers and has
in fact created an
Environment where it is Impossible for Palestinians to carry out their lively hood and go ahead with their every day lives.
IDF closed most of the Old City market to provide a buffer zone for the Jewish settlers residing beside the market. The Old City Market provided
lively hood to hundreds of Palestinian families for decades and was present there for hundreds of years but now it feels like a ghost town. Red paint spots are the only sign of the
IDF wanting the evacuation and closure of the shops that once would have been in full business.
If that was not enough the Palestinian Families living close to the settlements have all been forced to leave their ancestral homes with brutal force, these houses once vacated are usually
ransacked and systematically make
inhospitable by the Jewish Settlers in plain sight of the
IDF which claims it does not have jurisdiction to arrest Israeli Citizens. Palestinian School girls are usually
harassed on their way to school and the settlers maintain an armed presence with flaunting assault rifles while they walk the city. Jewish Settlers usually abuse the Palestinian residents both verbally and physically trying to make them leave the city
Hebron will be remembered for the day of On February 25, 1994 when Baruch
Goldstein, an Israeli physician and resident of
Kiryat Arba, opened fire on Muslims at prayer in the
Ibrahimi Mosque , killing 29, before the survivors overcame and killed him.
The Temporary International Presence in
Hebron was established to make life worth living for the Palestinian Residents but even they come under constant settler attacks whose leader claims that the
violent attacks will stop if the Palestinians stop their demands for a Palestinian State. This is a regretful situation where people have to live so miserable lives for the sake of a few hundred people trying to assert their presence.