Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Barak Obama: A Dream Come True or A Nightmare in Waiting!

November 4 2008, A day that will be in our memories for years to come. You need not be an American to be jubilant that day, for the first time in history a Black man will hold the position of The President of The United States of America. 40 years ago a Black couldn't vote and now some one from the same community hold the No 1 position in what is mentioned as the most powerful office in the world. From Tokyo to Kuala Lampur, From Nairobi to California there were cheers every where for after an agonizing eight year term by George W. Bush, Some one different had to come to sweep the mess he had created.

A time when America is entangled in two wars, Facing the worst Financial Crisis since the Great Depression, and standing on the verge of an economic collapse. Some one of Obamas Ideology and Intellect seemed to be the way out for many but is that true lets think again.
Barak Obama announced the position of The Chief of Staff, The No 2 most Influential position in the white house and to everyones surprise he chooses the name of
Rahm Israel Emanuel. Emanuel is a die hard Pro Israel lobbyist whose father served in the Irgun, a terrorist organisation in the former British Mandate of Palestine which was involved in countless murders and attrocities. It is to be seen that what kind of a foreign policy will Obama follow with people who are similar to those surrounding George W. Bush with in his Administration. With Iran being targetted by Israel a Pro- Israel lobby may push for Military action against Iran creating a new phase of turmoil in the already burning Middle East. Let us hope for the Best and lets not rejoice as of yet as the time ahead is pretty bleak.