Tuesday, September 30, 2008

IRAQ: A Stalemate!!

March 20,2003
The day it all began, It's still fresh in my memory. George W. Bush coming on International television announcing the deadline for Saddam Hussein and his sons to leave Iraq, Then the hostilities begin with pictures all over CNN of the Shock and Awe Initiate the U.S forces undertook. The constant streams of Iraqi Information Minister
Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf In defiance of the Invasion in his daily press meets.
It all came to an end with the fall of the Saddam statue in Baghdad on April 9..........Well Everyone thought it did!!!

What followed was horrific, unexplainable, heart breaking and pathetic. Iraq started to Burn in a way it never did for it's entire history, The Iraqis looked at the Americans like occupiers which was quite contrary to what the Americans had in mind. Blood spilled like water all over Iraq with casualties on both sides. The Public favor for the war in the U.S lost it's charm, This was a repeat of the situation in Vietnam.
George W. Bush could never prove the W.M.D's he so eagerly wanted to take away from Saddam controlled Iraq, putting a permanent stain on that crisp suit of his. America had gone into a war with no reason, The Neo-Con's had to take the responsibility of the over one million Iraqi civilian lives lost due to their Illogical stance on turning a flourishing country into Garbage.

The War in Iraq changed the Global landscape forever the Arabs never could trust America again. Global Oil Prices Quadrupled and no one was ready to take them down. Inflation became rampant and a financial crisis in the U.S took the light away from the blood shed in Iraq. A Global food shortage erupted because of high demand from countries like India and China, also keeping in mind American farmers diverting their crops for production of Bio Fuels further adding to the sky rocketing prices. Today we still stand in a situation of ridicule, blood shed and hatred across all sides.
Iraq still burns to date and an American Presidential Election gives hope to the countless Iraqi civilians who still fear to take a stroll to the park or just shop for some basic amenities, It gives hope to the countless American Families who fear for their loved ones stationed in Iraq. Both sides have suffered because of an Ignorant administration, hope this time the American people act more logically and choose a President worthy of putting an end to all this chaos.

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